
To ensure that our service is constantly improving and always exceed quality standards, the 4-star Hôtel Levesque has sought and obtained many quality certifications.

CAA – Hôtel Levesque is listed among the service providers recommended by CAA-Québec.

QACP – Hotel Levesque has been recognized as an affiliate member of the Quebec Association of Convention Professionals by meeting the criteria for the convention industry established by the Association.

4 stars – Hôtel Levesque is classified as a four-star hotel by the Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec (the organization that sets standards for classification and certification in the Quebec tourism industry).

Hôtel Levesque has a 4-Green Keys rating from the Green Key Eco-Rating Program.

Hôtel Levesque is certified by Kéroul.

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To ensure that our service is constantly improving and always exceed quality standards, the 4-star Hôtel Levesque has sought and obtained many quality certifications.

CAA – Hôtel Levesque is listed among the service providers recommended by CAA-Québec.

QACP – Hotel Levesque has been recognized as an affiliate member of the Quebec Association of Convention Professionals by meeting the criteria for the convention industry established by the Association.

4 stars – Hôtel Levesque is classified as a four-star hotel by the Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec (the organization that sets standards for classification and certification in the Quebec tourism industry).

Hôtel Levesque has a 4-Green Keys rating from the Green Key Eco-Rating Program.

Hôtel Levesque is certified by Kéroul.

Origine Hôtels